Entellus developed alternative design options for the three Town utilities (sewer, reclaimed water and potable water) through this corridor.
- Phase 1: Develop ten (10) options with associated design exhibits and cost estimates.
- Phase 2: Select up to five (5) options to further investigate and provide more detailed design and cost estimates.
Ten options were developed, and the project team coordinated with SRP to discuss the potential options. As a result of those discussions, based on constraints related to the Bureau of Reclamation property within the Western Canal, six (6) alternatives (Options 5 – 10) were removed from further evaluation; however, are provided below to illustrate the extent of work in attempting to explore every potential option available.
A public meeting was held in mid-November with utility easement property owners to present the ten options developed as part of Phase 1 and provide an opportunity for comments or development of an additional option. The presentation from that meeting is available here, and provided below are the ten options presented at the meeting:
- Option 1: Acquire existing easement in fee and relocate walls/fences to north side of easement
- Option 2: Create a utility corridor “alley” by installing a barrier on north side of the easement, block wall on the south property line and gates on the side property lines
- Option 3: Acquire land at manhole locations and install block wall around manhole to provide permanent access from the south
- Option 4: Install gates only at manhole property locations to provide access
- *Option 5: Relocate sewer and reclaimed water pipelines to the Western Canal
- *Option 6: Relocate sewer, reclaimed and potable water pipelines to Western Canal
- *Option 7: Relocate sewer, reclaimed and potable water pipelines to Western Canal
- *Option 8: Relocate sewer in Western Canal, and reclaimed and potable water pipelines in residential streets
- *Option 9: Relocate sewer in Western Canal, and reclaimed and potable water pipelines in arterial streets
- *Option 10: Install a new lift station and relocate reclaimed water pipeline to Western Canal
* determined not allowable due to Bureau of Reclamation land use restrictions.
Options 1 – 4 will undergo further evaluation within Phase 2 as options 5 – 10 have been determined not allowable due to Bureau of Reclamation land use restrictions.
In early November 2022, small group meetings were held with residents to provide an update on the project. The information from those meetings is made available here:
On June 28, 2022, the results of the Western Canal Corridor Analysis were shared with Town Council during a Study Session. Click here if you’d like to view the video of the Council Study Session. The information presented during that Study Session is made available here.
Pursuant to direction provided by the Gilbert Town Council on November 15, 2022, the residents impacted by this project are able to choose one of two options: Option 1, consisting of purchasing the existing easement area and installing a fence or wall at the new property line; or Option 3, consisting of purchasing the existing easement area around manholes to access these from the south, installing a fence at the new property line and clearing the remainder of the existing easement.
The project team is proceeding with design and collaboration with impacted property owners to determine to preferred scope for each of the 24 residential parcels.