Program Registration Calendar

04/30/2024 7:00 AM
04/30/2024 10:00 AM
05/11/2024 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
04/02/2024 7:00 AM
04/02/2024 10:00 AM

Program Fee Assistance

Made possible by the Gilbert Parks and Recreation Foundation, we offer program fee assistance to Gilbert residents called the Gilbert Assistance Program. Eligibility for the program is determined by completing an application and supplying the correct documentation. Apply and learn more.

Search For Programs

Registration & Reservation FAQ

    When accessing on a mobile device, select the more icon in the upper left hand corner to see more access options.

    It is possible that you may only see two access options (Activities and Reservations). If you would like to see more access options, select full site.

    This will take you back to the main page. Select the more icon in the upper left hand corner to see more access options, which will now appear in the menu.

    When you view your Payment and Transaction History, do you receive the message: "You have transactions that need attention." as seen here?

    If so, don't worry! You can ignore it. But, here's what that means...

    The You have transactions that need attention warning is to show the transactions that have a checklist/waiver. As long as a receipt has waivers included, no matter the waivers have been signed or not, it will show this error.

    In order to register more than one participant into a program in one transaction, you must repeat the enrollment process for each participant.

    1. Find the program using the Activities navigation feature and select Enroll next to the program.

    2. Choose one participant and select Add To Cart.

    3. To enroll another participant, find the program again using the Activities navigation feature and select Enroll next to the program.

    4. Choose the second participant and select Add To Cart. Repeat steps 1-2 for all participants.

    5. When you are ready to check out, select My Cart to view all programs and participants in your cart. You must complete all waivers and check out in order for enrollment to be complete.

    Are you trying to make a reservation for anytime during the 12:00 PM or 12:00 AM hour? Our system recognizes "12" as "00"! To make a reservation for the hour "12", please select "00".

    Unsure of which level to enroll your child in for swim lessons? Check out our flow chart HERE!

    Check out the FAQ's from our software provider, ActiveNet, HERE.

    Or... give us a call!

    (480) 503-6200
    7:00 AM - 6:00 PM


In-person registration is available if needed at Gilbert Town Hall, 90 E Civic Center Dr.